Europe Stay Guide

Welcome to Europe Stay Guide, your online guide to understanding and planning your stays in Europe. Here you will find information about the allowed time for tourism, visas, exemptions, and a useful calculator to monitor your stay.

Stay duration: 0

Last day to stay: N/A

1. Allowed Time for Tourism in Europe for Foreigners:

Foreigners have the privilege to visit various European countries without the need for a visa for short stays. However, tourist stays are limited to 90 days within a 180-day period. This restriction applies to the Schengen Area, which includes a significant part of the European Union. It's important to note that exceeding this period may result in penalties and future restrictions. References: European Union. (2022). "Visas for Visitors – Traveling to the EU for 90 Days or Less." Available at: (

2. Gap Between Stays in Europe for Foreigners:

After spending 90 days in Europe, foreigners must observe a waiting period before returning. The established rule suggests waiting at least 90 days outside the Schengen Area before a new entry. This interval is essential to comply with the stay regulations and avoid issues at immigration. References: Conselho da União Europeia. (2022). "Regulamento (UE) 2016/399 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho." Available at: (

3. Visa Exemption (Tourist) vs. Schengen Visa:

Visa exemption for tourists and the Schengen visa represent two distinct forms of permission to enter Europe. Visa exemption allows short-term stays without the need to apply for a visa in advance. On the other hand, the Schengen visa is a single authorization that allows entry into any Schengen country during a specific period, usually up to 90 days within a 180-day period. References: Consulado-Geral de Portugal. (2022). "Vistos Schengen." Available at: (

4. Tourist Visa (ETIAS) for Foreigners in Europe:

Starting from a future date (2025), foreigners planning to travel to Europe for tourism will need to obtain the European Tourist Visa (ETIAS). This system, expected to come into effect, will require an online application before the trip. ETIAS aims to enhance security and facilitate the entry of tourists, being mandatory for citizens of visa-exempt countries. References: European Commission. (2022). "European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)." Available at: (

5. Difference Between Schengen Area and European Union:

The Schengen Area and the European Union (EU) are distinct concepts, although interconnected.

Schengen Area: The Schengen Area is an area that includes European countries that have abolished border controls between them, allowing for the free movement of people. Initially signed by five countries in 1985, the Schengen agreement now includes a significant number of EU Member States and some non-EU countries. The key feature is the absence of passport checks at internal borders, facilitating travel between participating countries. References: Council of the European Union. (2022). "The Schengen Area." Available at: (

European Union: The European Union, on the other hand, is a political and economic organization that aims to integrate European countries in various areas, including trade, environment, security, and human rights. Not all EU countries are part of the Schengen Area, and vice versa. Additionally, the EU includes members who have not adopted the euro as their currency and who do not fully participate in all aspects of European integration. References: European Union. (2022). "About the European Union." Available at: (

6. Travel Insurance in Europe:

Traveling to Europe requires not only planning but also health care and unforeseen precautions. Travel insurance is essential to ensure medical assistance in case of emergencies during your stay. Make sure to purchase comprehensive insurance that covers medical expenses, repatriation, trip cancellation, and other unforeseen events.

7. Documents Required for Travel to Europe:

Besides a valid passport, there are other important documents that Brazilians must have on hand when traveling to Europe. This includes proof of accommodation, return tickets, travel insurance, proof of sufficient financial means for the stay, and, if applicable, Schengen visa or ETIAS authorization.

8. Transportation in Europe:

Europe has an excellent transportation infrastructure, including high-speed trains, buses, metros, and domestic flights. When planning your stay, consider the transportation options available at each destination, as well as economical transportation passes for tourists.

9. Climate and Best Time to Visit:

The climate in Europe varies according to the region and season. Research the climate of your destination before traveling and be prepared with appropriate clothing. Depending on your preferences, spring and autumn may be the best times to visit, avoiding the crowds of summer and extreme temperatures of winter.

10. Travel Safety Tips:

While Europe is generally safe for tourists, it's important to be aware of possible scams, pickpockets, and less safe areas. Keep your belongings close, avoid displaying valuables in public, and be aware of your surroundings, especially in busy tourist areas and public transportation.